Roy Buchanan – The Messiah will come again

– Roy Buchanan –

Just a smile
Just a glance
The Prince of Darkness
he just walked past

There’s been a lot of people
they’ve had a lot to say
But this time
I’m gonna tell it my way…

There was a town
It was a strange little town they called the world
It was a lonely,lonely little town

Till one day a stranger appeared
Their hearts rejoicied
and this sad little town was happy again

But there were some that doubted
They disbelieved,so they mocked Him
And the stranged He went away
and the said little town that was sad yesterday
It’s a lot sadder today

I walked in a lot of places I never should have been
But I know that the Messish,
He will come again…..


어느 마을이 있었다
작고 이상한 마을이며
세상이라 불리는 외롭고 고독한 곳이다.

어느날 이방인이 나타나기 전까지는 그랬다
이방인이 나타난 후
그 곳 사람들의 가슴은 기쁨으로 넘쳐 났고

그러나 의심을 품은 사람들이 있었다.
그들은 이방인을 조롱했다.
그래서 이방인은 떠나고 말았다
비참한 마을은 과거보다 더 비참하게 변했다.

글쓴이: sarang

가영, 혁 그리고 한영이 아빠

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